At Keystone we have many years of experience producing highly detailed survey reports and specifications for listed properties and Churches. Our electronic reports include numerous photographs/videos to support our findings and to inform our clients.
This work often involves scaling high level areas and other parts of buildings where access can be compromised.
It is of the utmost importance that investigations into dilapidations/problems are accurately recorded and the likely reasons for any premature failures identified.
Over the years we have seen innumerable cases where valuable funds have been spent on works which did not adequately address the root cause/s behind early failures, and even more money paid out to repair the consequential damages later on.
An all access survey of a building followed by comprehensive reporting without reliance upon a raft of non-committal ‘suspicions’ is our benchmark.
You can be confidently assured that Keystone WILL find the source of any issues subject to investigation and produce reports and detailed specifications for remedial works that do not sidestep the identification of the critical elements behind a failure.